Desperate for Froggy to gain weight, I actually purchased "Easy Cheese" today. Remember that stuff from tween slumber party fun? It's squirtable processed cheese food. We called it Sleazy Cheese. Yes desperate times called for desperate measures.
This morning for breakfast Froggy had Milk with supplement, cheerios, bran, raisins and two scoops of Nutella. She then went the entire day without an appetite. She will usually eat a good breakfast of french toast, fruit, bacon and milk. But for the last week, she's been uber picky. Yesterday she had one milk and a bite of turkey.
I'm hoping after a good poop, I can talk her into some of this Frankenstein food. The good news is we have about ten years before the Easy Cheese expires. Gotta love those preservatives! I used to have food morals, I really did. No more.
This morning for breakfast Froggy had Milk with supplement, cheerios, bran, raisins and two scoops of Nutella. She then went the entire day without an appetite. She will usually eat a good breakfast of french toast, fruit, bacon and milk. But for the last week, she's been uber picky. Yesterday she had one milk and a bite of turkey.
I'm hoping after a good poop, I can talk her into some of this Frankenstein food. The good news is we have about ten years before the Easy Cheese expires. Gotta love those preservatives! I used to have food morals, I really did. No more.