Saturday, September 08, 2007

Two Years Ago Today

Two years ago today, we brought a beautiful new soul into the world and named her ... Froggy. It was an amazing day.


Mieke said...

Oh E! Seeing these brought tears to my eyes. That little pea. I remember how I called and called and called while you were in labor dying to hear she had been born.

Our beautiful girl! Happy Birthday my dearest darling Froggy.

Anonymous said...

I was 1800 miles away and so nervous I had to get on my bike and ride until my cell phone rang (I was committed to ride all night if necessary). When it finally rang it was Mieka asking if I had heard anything. damn! So I rode some more until Anneke called. A girl? (we thought the protuberance on the ultrasound said boy) Sweet! I couldn't have been happier. I racked my bike and went to Bennigan's for a cold beer and some buffalo wings. gpg

Julia said...

Hi, I'm a friend of Mieke's going all the way back to Montessori days. I've been reading your blog for a while and always enjoy it! I wanted to let you know that I laughed and cried reading this description of giving birth to Froggy. I have three kids and it brought back many memories of my own. I wanted to let you know that my family keeps yours in its prayers. Also, you mentioned at times in your blog a sense of dreams deferred concerning writing. I wanted to let you know, as one writer to another, that your season will come.

Froggymama said...

Thank you everyone. It was indeed a magical day.