Friday, September 01, 2006

This picture is a couple months old, but it captures Froggy's personality. Today she learned that it is freaking hilarious to drop food on the dog from her high chair. She squealed with delight while Buddy was showered with macaroni, avocado, and egg.

To make matters worse, a certain person, who will remain nameless, but we'll just call him "Grandpa J", encouraged the one-way food fight with hilarious faces of shock, and feigned disgust, screaming, "oh no, don't do thaaat!!!"

I said, "Grandpa, don't encourage her."

He said, "Ya know, I've been told that my entire life."

It's great for a girl to have a "Grandpa J" who she can be naughty with. And fortunately Buddy is happy contorting into a yoga pose in order to retrieve egg from his ear.

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