Monday, February 19, 2007

Swinging Free

Shine down on me!

Sissy Snuggiekins swingin' in the sunshine

Froggydadda and Froggy swingin' together.

Froggymama and Froggy!

Sissysnuggiekins spent the night. She slept til 1:30pm! Do you remember those teenage days of sleeping the day away? I remember waking up feeling like I'd wasted a day, but now, after a baby, sleep seems like pure bliss!

It is so wonderful having Sissy Snuggiekins stay with us. Froggy adores her! And I love that hyperactive, yet apathetic energy that only a teenager can create. It's fun, unpredictable, hilarious, silly, naughty, and makes our family feel complete.

After Sissysnuggiekins woke up, we hit Venice Beach, and had a great day of Southern California weather (sorry my Iowa fam). Not a snowflake in the sky. Just blue skies and a warm breeze. Swings, slides, sand and tatooed Venice freaks juggling snakes and fire. Does it get any better than that?

It's hard to imagine scraping ice from windshields, or shoveling a sidewalk. I must say, I've adjusted quite nicely to this aspect of Cali living. The only thing we had to remember to put on Froggy was a hat and sunscreen. Sure beats mittens and boots!

Wish you were all here!


Mieke said...

We love that park- right on the sea. We were there on Saturday.

The weather has been sooooooooo wonderful. It's why we pay the big bucks. Warm weather just make the hardships we face in life so much easier to face.

Casey said...

Wish *I* had been there! We went to the coast this past weekend but it was a soggy, rainy, dreary and freezing experience. And yet - still fun. I guess that's life with kids - fun! :)

Glad you enjoyed your time!

Anonymous said...

sleeping till 1:30? i know i did it too! man!? so hard to imagine. sounds like a fun time. (the sleeping part as well as the park) :-) jcn